Why yoga is good for heart?
Physical activity in general can help prevent or control heart disease , not just exercise that increases heart rate. Yoga is a relaxing practice that is beneficial for the heart as well. Strength, flexibility, balance, and relaxation can all be enhanced via the mind-body practice of yoga, which involves moving through a sequence of physical poses and breathing techniques. The emphasis is placed on various focuses, such as toning, strength training, or meditation, in dozens of distinct formats or practices, including hatha, anusara, ashtanga, and many others. Yoga as a Stress Outlet The capacity of yoga to calm the body and mind is one of its most obvious advantages for the heart. The release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which restrict your arteries and raise your blood pressure, is one of a number of physical impacts that emotional stress can have. Yoga's emphasis on deep breathing and mental concentration can reduce this stress. Following a cardiac event, such a...